Motorola GM600 with a ctcss ID module
The display module
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;======= Ctcss to lcd channel interface ===========================05/11/04== ; standard crystal 4.0MHz XT ; pcf2103 lcd driver ; Bergthaller Iulian (c)2004 ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; configure programmer LIST P=16F630;f=inhx8m #include "P16F630.INC" ; Include header file __CONFIG _PWRTE_ON & _WDT_OFF & _XT_OSC & _BODEN & _CP_OFF & _MCLRE_OFF ;------------------------------------------------------------ cblock 0x20 ; Beginn General Purpose-Register ; cpu init ;-------------------------- counters count1 count2 count3 count4 count5 ;-------------------------- registrii transfer transo ctcssc dig1 dig2 ;-------------------------- endc ;-------------------------- #DEFINE f_in PORTA,2 #DEFINE sclk PORTC,0 #DEFINE sdta PORTC,1 ;--- Reset -------------------------------------------------- org h'00' goto init ; reset -> init ;--- Interrupt ---------------------------------------------- org h'04' ;************************************************************ init bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 0 clrf PORTA clrf PORTC movlw 0x05 ; Turn comparators off and enable pins for I/O movwf CMCON bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 1 movlw 0x0F ; input movwf TRISA movlw 0x00 ; output movwf TRISC bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 0 movlw 0x00 movwf PORTC clrf dig1 clrf dig2 clrf TMR0 clrf INTCON bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 1 movlw 0xA8 movwf OPTION_REG bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 0 ;*************************************************** ;* Lcd init commands * ;*************************************************** lcd_ini call iict ; i2c start movlw 0x74 ; device write address (75h for read) call act ; i2c send subroutine movlw 0x00 ; Co,RS=0, set instruction register for multiple next command bytes call act movlw 0x31 ; extended instruction set call act movlw 0x02 ; set screen configuration left to right call act movlw 0x05 ; set display configuration call act movlw 0x08 ; set icon mode, full mode, icon blink disable call act movlw 0x30 ; normal instruction set call act movlw 0x0C ; set display on call act movlw 0x06 ; set cursor move direction call act movlw 0x02 ; set DDRAM address 0 in address counter call act call iicp ; i2c stop ;*************************************************** ;* Lcd icon sets off * ;*************************************************** call iict movlw 0x74 call act movlw 0x80 ; Co=1, RS=0 just one next command byte call act movlw 0x4C ; set CGRAM for icons call act movlw 0x40 ; Co=0, RS=1, set instruction register for multiple next data bytes call act movlw 0x00 ; erase icons sequence call act movlw 0x18 call act movlw 0x00 call act movlw 0x00 call act movlw 0x00 call act movlw 0x00 call act movlw 0x00 call act movlw 0x00 call act movlw 0x00 call act movlw 0x00 call act movlw 0x00 call act movlw 0x00 call act movlw 0x0F call act movlw 0x10 call act call iicp ; i2c stop ;*************************************************** ;* Lcd cursor subroutine * ;*************************************************** call iict movlw 0x74 call act movlw 0x00 call act movlw 0x30 call act movlw 0x01 ; clears entire display and sets DDRAM address to 0 in address counter call act movlw 0x0C ; display on, cursor off, cursor blink off call act call iicp ;*************************************************** ;* Lcd data subroutine * ;*************************************************** nou call iict movlw 0x74 call act movlw 0x80 ; Co=1, RS=0 just one next command byte call act movlw 0x8C ; set CGRAM for characters call act movlw 0x40 ; Co=0, RS=1, set instruction register for multiple next data bytes call act movlw 0x20 ; _ call act movlw 0xC9 ; I call act movlw 0xE4 ; d call act movlw 0xBA ; : call act movlw 0x20 ; _ call act movf dig2,W addlw 0xB0 call act movf dig1,W addlw 0xB0 call act call iicp ;*************************************************** clrf ctcssc clrf TMR0 call pause movf TMR0,W movwf ctcssc btfsc STATUS,Z goto plici movlw 0x02 movwf PCLATH movf ctcssc,W call decode movwf ctcssc plici call mux stai goto nou ;*************************************************** act movwf transo ; iic data transmission movlw 0x08 movwf count3 vbit bcf sclk call haltb btfsc transo,7 bsf sdta btfss transo,7 bcf sdta call haltb bsf sclk call haltb bcf sclk call haltb rlf transo,F decfsz count3,F goto vbit call ackp retlw 0x00 ;*************************************************** iicp bcf sdta ; stop condition module call haltb bsf sclk call haltb bsf sdta ; stop command call haltb bcf sclk call haltb retlw 0x00 ;*************************************************** iict bsf sdta ; start condition module bsf sclk call haltb bcf sdta ; start command call haltb bcf sclk call haltb retlw 0x00 ;*************************************************** ackp call ser_in bsf sclk ; one clock step for acknowledge (not read) call haltb bcf sclk call ser_out retlw 0x00 ;*************************************************** mux clrf dig1 clrf dig2 movf ctcssc,F ; zero bit test if dig=dig=0 btfss STATUS,Z goto calc goto gatam calc call digi decfsz ctcssc,F goto calc gatam return ;*************************************************** digi incf dig1,F movlw 0x0A subwf dig1,W btfss STATUS,Z ;test zero bit goto gatas clrf dig1 incf dig2,F movlw 0x0A subwf dig2,W btfss STATUS,Z ;test zero bit goto gatas clrf dig2 gatas retlw 0x00 ;************************************************************************ ; Subrutine de intarziere * ;************************************************************************ ;________________________________________________________________________ haltb nop ; 10 us delay nop nop nop nop nop return ;________________________________________________________________________ pause movlw 0x04 ; cca. 1s hopa movwf count3 d3 movlw 0xF9 movwf count1 d1 movlw 0xFA movwf count2 d2 nop decfsz count2,F goto d2 decfsz count1,F goto d1 decfsz count3,F goto d3 retlw 0x00 ;************************************************************************ ser_in bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 1 movlw 0x02 ; input movwf TRISC bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 0 return ;************************************************************************ ser_out bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 1 movlw 0x00 ; output movwf TRISC bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 0 return ;************************************************************************ ;* adrese grafica * ;************************************************************************ ORG 0x0200 decode addwf PCL,F retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 ;10 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 ;20 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 ;30 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 ;40 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 ;50 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 ;60 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 retlw 0x00 ;65 retlw 0x01 retlw 0x01 ;67 retlw 0x02 retlw 0x02 ;69 retlw 0x03 retlw 0x03 ;71 retlw 0x03 retlw 0x04 retlw 0x04 ;74 retlw 0x04 retlw 0x05 retlw 0x05 ;77 retlw 0x06 retlw 0x06 ;79 retlw 0x06 retlw 0x07 retlw 0x07 ;82 retlw 0x07 retlw 0x08 retlw 0x08 ;85 retlw 0x08 retlw 0x09 retlw 0x09 ;88 retlw 0x09 retlw 0x0A retlw 0x0A ;91 retlw 0x0A retlw 0x0B retlw 0x0B ;94 retlw 0x0B retlw 0x0C retlw 0x0C ;97 retlw 0x0C retlw 0x0D retlw 0x0D ;100 retlw 0x0D retlw 0x0E retlw 0x0E ;103 retlw 0x0E retlw 0x0E retlw 0x0F retlw 0x0F ;107 retlw 0x0F retlw 0x10 retlw 0x10 ;110 retlw 0x10 retlw 0x11 retlw 0x11 retlw 0x11 ;114 retlw 0x11 retlw 0x12 retlw 0x12 retlw 0x12 ;118 retlw 0x12 retlw 0x13 retlw 0x13 retlw 0x13 retlw 0x13 ;123 retlw 0x13 retlw 0x14 retlw 0x14 retlw 0x14 ;127 retlw 0x14 retlw 0x15 retlw 0x15 retlw 0x15 ;131 retlw 0x15 retlw 0x16 retlw 0x16 retlw 0x16 retlw 0x16 ;136 retlw 0x16 retlw 0x17 retlw 0x17 retlw 0x17 retlw 0x17 ;141 retlw 0x17 retlw 0x18 retlw 0x18 retlw 0x18 retlw 0x18 ;146 retlw 0x18 retlw 0x19 retlw 0x19 retlw 0x19 retlw 0x19 ;151 retlw 0x19 retlw 0x1A retlw 0x1A retlw 0x1A retlw 0x1A ;156 retlw 0x1A retlw 0x1B retlw 0x1B ;159 retlw 0x1B retlw 0x1C retlw 0x1C ;162 retlw 0x1C retlw 0x1D retlw 0x1D ;165 retlw 0x1E retlw 0x1E ;167 retlw 0x1E retlw 0x1F retlw 0x1F retlw 0x1F ;171 retlw 0x20 retlw 0x20 ;173 retlw 0x20 retlw 0x21 retlw 0x21 retlw 0x21 ;177 retlw 0x22 retlw 0x22 ;179 retlw 0x22 retlw 0x23 retlw 0x23 retlw 0x23 ;183 retlw 0x23 retlw 0x24 retlw 0x24 ;186 retlw 0x24 retlw 0x25 retlw 0x25 ;189 retlw 0x25 retlw 0x26 retlw 0x26 ;192 retlw 0x26 retlw 0x27 retlw 0x27 retlw 0x27 ;196 retlw 0x27 retlw 0x28 retlw 0x28 ;199 retlw 0x28 retlw 0x29 retlw 0x29 retlw 0x29 ;203 retlw 0x29 retlw 0x2A retlw 0x2A ;206 retlw 0x2A retlw 0x2B retlw 0x2B retlw 0x2B ;210 retlw 0x2B retlw 0x2C retlw 0x2C retlw 0x2C retlw 0x2C retlw 0x2C retlw 0x2C retlw 0x2C ;218 retlw 0x2C retlw 0x2D retlw 0x2D retlw 0x2D retlw 0x2D retlw 0x2D retlw 0x2D ;225 retlw 0x2D retlw 0x2E retlw 0x2E retlw 0x2E ;229 retlw 0x2E retlw 0x2F retlw 0x2F retlw 0x2F ;233 retlw 0x2F retlw 0x30 retlw 0x30 retlw 0x30 retlw 0x30 retlw 0x30 retlw 0x30 retlw 0x30 ;241 retlw 0x30 retlw 0x31 retlw 0x31 retlw 0x31 retlw 0x31 retlw 0x31 retlw 0x31 retlw 0x31 retlw 0x31 ;250 retlw 0x31 retlw 0x32 retlw 0x32 retlw 0x32 ;254 ;============================================================ end ;============================================================
Last updated January, 2005